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(Started counting on 08-2003)
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Sunday, July 06, 2003

In the beginning there was nothing :-)

Jeevan Wrote the first Comment. Then I got laid by Chris Pirillo ;-) I hope that Yokie can tell me why Duckman isn't Manga. Did you know that Chad is going to get married, while Andrew is playing the HeyDroid? The GeeknewscentralGeek uses GGSearch as a protest and Shane: c'mon, you know you want to! Can anybody speak out Andy his website? My tongue can't take it any more... Karis likes Creedence Clearwater too. No bad moon for you! I am in the brain of Dr.Bob so I should take a lesson from D.J.Hartwig And Paul I love books too...
Sean created this logo.. Vincent You are so right!....., one day me is going to use a spellchekker ;-) Is a Grammar checker available? TeddGcm Called it a thingie... and Marcello wants to see it in unicode...

I love you people!

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