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(Started counting on 08-2003)
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Thursday, September 11, 2003

Go blogger! 

Blogger gives away things for free!

These features include:
Spellchecking: Fewer typos. Look smarter.
Post-Dating: Adjust the date and time for a post, so it can show up under yesterday's heading, or save it for a later date (so you remember to post about your friend's birthday).
Drafts: Not done with that thought? Mark it a draft and complete it later. Or keep things in draft form for your own reference.
Daily Archiving: In addition to monthly and weekly options.
Post Titles: An optional field to add a title, or subject line, to each post. Handy if you format things that way in your template.
Post Template: If you routinely use the same formatting or HTML in your posts, load it in automatically.
BlogSend: Post to your blog, and it is sent via email.

Thank you people for all those options!
Now could I suggest one small feature for you to work on in the future: RSS support

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