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(Started counting on 08-2003)
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Saturday, September 13, 2003

Good Morning! 

and I think it is a good morning.

Yesterday was a hectic day. First I used groupmail pro the wrong way. It took my machine 8 hours to send out mail to everybody on my mailinglist. Then my mailbox got overloaded with emails bouncing back.. Now I couldn't get to it so I had to use webmail to clean it up again. Not funny at all. By the time I cleared that one up my webserver decided to give it up too. To many downloads at the same time.. Now lucky for me that my Hosting provider was awake and on the case.. So now it runs again...

I wait a few days to get some response from C|Net. If my message is not answered I am going to start a flame. I paid $78 to get in the listing and now I cant even change my information without having to pay again....

Anyway.. I write more about that later...

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