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(Started counting on 08-2003)
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Friday, October 31, 2003

Getting busy again 

Yeah its about time we going to do some usefull coding again..
Don't know where to start yet..Should I dig into the great world of Feedster or should I start with my new idea and build [NoNameDueToSteeling]? Why not start both at the same time and get myself insane :-P

Looking at new goodies.. Have you seen the mighty Lockergnome in a new jacket? My first impression was Wooooow. They did a very nice job. Navigation is easy and there a lot more features in it (or I didn't noticed it before.... sorry dudes).

The ggsearch.com front is stalling. Not much to say about it and I think I shut up about it too. Well, lets say for now I will shut up about it.

Lets see what November brings us.. If you have some input.. Give it to me now!

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