search hits made with GGSearch!
(Started counting on 08-2003)
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Friday, March 26, 2004

Vacation time!! 

You can find us here:

Friday, March 19, 2004

New upcomming project!! 

Well, I know for sure that this is going to be the longest and important project of my life.
It wasn't difficult at all to create the first base. But because I can't build it at all myself, I will let the final (almost all) developing over to my wife.. :-) I love you girl! We expect to have all the hardware ready around the beginning of July.

Then we need a few years to get the system and software to blend in, but we hope the result will be great..

Hey, We Know the result will be great!!!

Now watch this "preview" and be amazed!

Monday, March 08, 2004

GGSearch the Gnome 

What would you do when this one jumps out of the locker?

Right! You buy him a coffee!

Happy birthday Feedster! 

Happy birthday Scott, Betsie, Scott and Francois!

Sunday, March 07, 2004

For all the GGSearch Gnomies and suporters: THANK YOU! 

Thank you for suporting me and GGSearch.

We love you people!

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Feedster Feed of the day! 

Are you traveling from Feedster then this could be for you!

Goto the website and download GGSearch (It's free!!).

I said no to at least $10.000. Am I getting insane? 

Done it, tested it with the beta testers, it worked, I removed it.
Nice to know that I can make it but I will not build it.

I was this close in building an adware/spyware program into GGSearch.
Here is why: The money!

A Searchtool like GGSearch can make between the 10000 and 40000 Dollar by installing adware or spyware on your machine. Now that is a big load of money for somebody like me. I could host GGSearch a few years for that. Could I live with that karmic burden on my shoulders? How much is your soul worth?

After consulting my wife, family and friends I decided that I am not going to do it. Although we could use every Euro I can get my hands on, it isn't worth it. GGSearch gets some donations so that will ease the pain a bit.. It's nice to get a few dollars a month. Almost as nice as the thank you emails I get from GGSearchers. It keeps me continuing my GGSearch Quest.

Now if you are a nice sponsor and you want to show yourself with GGSearch, let me tell you now:
I don't know what people are looking for.
I do not have advanced statistics.
I don't know how many people are comming from whatever country.
Its getting worse: Yes the users can disable the splash! So it could be a onetime view.

But I know this:
The searchtool is downloaded between the 50 and 150 times a day.
My searchtool users are advanced Google users. (Yes you are! admid it!)
There are a few thousend tools arround on this planet.
If you would like to have worldwide exposure then you need GGSearch

Contact me and make a lot of people happy!

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