search hits made with GGSearch!
(Started counting on 08-2003)
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Friday, May 21, 2004

Jake his nipples 

No, it's not that kinda story ;-)
Jake from Utterlyboring comes up 1 when you ask Google to: remove ggsearch. Really funny :-)

But incase you would like to uninstall GGSearch (note: This ain't about that nasty toolbar that has hyjacked your browser..) goto your controlpanel > Software > GGsearchtool and uninstall it.
If you wonder where you can find the register entry:
hkey localuser > software > ggsearchtool.

It's that easy folks! Nothing to hide for you all..

Now I think most of you that look for a way to remove ggsearch, are doing it because it's that nasty toolbar that popups this website called ggsearch.com. On the forum I collect complains against them.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

need to add a new option 

local Google
Now when will Google do this with the rest of the world?

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Howto find live webcams 

This dude found live webcams with GGSearch

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