search hits made with GGSearch!
(Started counting on 08-2003)
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Sunday, August 22, 2004

Close on Search 

Another option added (yes, you asked for it so many times): Search on close.
checking this option will let the Searchtool exit itself after doing a search...

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Fixed the installer! 

Sometimes I just forget to first rule:
KISS : Keep It Simple Stupid!

Oh well, It's history now

GGSearch 3.8? 

Well folks, I am coding again!

Yes! Finally I am trying to get into it.
First thing I needed to fix is the "icon does not come back in after shell (explorer) crash".
Seems like I fixed it, so soon a beta will role out for the beta testers.

Also I implemeted a feature so you can add another search engine to search in.. Now I still don't know if this going to be an option for you all or only available for the donators. Time will tell...

The installer needs some tweaking too.. Seems that sometimes the application itsef doesn't get installed (Yes, a bit stupid). I put online a zipped version for those unlucky few but I really must do something about it.

Type and read you later


Monday, August 16, 2004

Computercops Free License Giveaway 

Because I like the folks at CCSP I am also giving away some registrations to the addon for GGSearch.
So if you happen to be a member too then it is time to watch this topic and get ready to sign up :-)

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Cheean has a Blog! 

Remember Cheeaun (the great guy behind the beautiful GGSearch Icons)?

Well he has a blog too. It is looking very Cheeaunish so thumbs up!!

You can read it all at:

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