search hits made with GGSearch!
(Started counting on 08-2003)
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Thursday, September 30, 2004

GGSearch 3.8 released! 

Yes Finally it's done!

GGSearch v3.8 is released today.
I send out an email to all the donators, betatesters and translators so they have the change to download and use it before the rest of the world will hammer the website.

Thanx goes to Infacta (Groupmail pro), WinRar and Ultraedit for sponsoring their software.

a Special thanx goes to Bill Gray for his help with the Helpfiles and lim chee Aun for his beautiful icons that are now also integrated into the searchtool.

My gratitude goes out to the translators and betatesters, You all did a very good job.

Now I didn't put up the new website yet.. still working on it more or less..

Anyway this week i will make the new version available for everyone!

Type and read you later!


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