search hits made with GGSearch!
(Started counting on 08-2003)
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Monday, September 27, 2004

Mailinglist trouble.... 

Hi GGSearcher!

Thank you for adding yourself to this mailinglist. In the future you will get an email (plaintext) send to you when an update is released on the website.

How to UnSubcribe (for new and older users):
If you wish to unsubscribe: send an email to unsubscribe[AT]frysianfools.com with the email adress you wish to unsubscribe.

If you like more options and want to give me some pleasure to continu my program: Please donate!
I created a small addon application that you can receive when you donate two dollars and fifty cents or more.
It lets's you search for movies, music and more...

Go to: http://www.frysianfools.com/ggsearch/help_me.asp for more information.
I am sure you like the Addon Application!!

If you like to read more about the latest GGSearch news:

If you have any questions (or like to betatest/ translate) you can post them at the forum:

Thank you for your time and see you next time at:

Greetings from Harlingen, The Netherlands

Pieter Kraaima

Harlingen, The Netherlands, Europe.

This email is the one I send to all new subscribers that want to join the mailinglist.
Now why do still people think that this is spam?

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