Friday, March 04, 2005
Angina Pectoris
So here we are again...A lot has happened in the last couple of weeks. I recieved a littile giffed called "Angina Pectoris". It's a different way to tell that I got a "heart attack" for free. Not much I could do about it. The folks at the hospital where so kind to help me and now it's up to me to better my life and live.
So now I am sitting behind the keyboard wondering what I will do now. You all know that my wife and I try to raize a cute girl. And we all know that she needs us more then I need to do this.
Now it doesn't help to pounder your head against the wall and look backwards. Right now it's the future that counts.
Forgive me if I don't update this or that. It's not that important and other things will come and go.
Welcome to my new show,
Time to continu to grow
Whats left is the past
I never thought it would last.
Don't forget, Dont regret
Smile on the face,
Welcome to the humans race