search hits made with GGSearch!
(Started counting on 08-2003)
Like to help? Donate! Visit the website to learn more.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

GGSearch 3.8 released! 

Yes Finally it's done!

GGSearch v3.8 is released today.
I send out an email to all the donators, betatesters and translators so they have the change to download and use it before the rest of the world will hammer the website.

Thanx goes to Infacta (Groupmail pro), WinRar and Ultraedit for sponsoring their software.

a Special thanx goes to Bill Gray for his help with the Helpfiles and lim chee Aun for his beautiful icons that are now also integrated into the searchtool.

My gratitude goes out to the translators and betatesters, You all did a very good job.

Now I didn't put up the new website yet.. still working on it more or less..

Anyway this week i will make the new version available for everyone!

Type and read you later!


Monday, September 27, 2004

Mailinglist trouble.... 

Hi GGSearcher!

Thank you for adding yourself to this mailinglist. In the future you will get an email (plaintext) send to you when an update is released on the website.

How to UnSubcribe (for new and older users):
If you wish to unsubscribe: send an email to unsubscribe[AT]frysianfools.com with the email adress you wish to unsubscribe.

If you like more options and want to give me some pleasure to continu my program: Please donate!
I created a small addon application that you can receive when you donate two dollars and fifty cents or more.
It lets's you search for movies, music and more...

Go to: http://www.frysianfools.com/ggsearch/help_me.asp for more information.
I am sure you like the Addon Application!!

If you like to read more about the latest GGSearch news:

If you have any questions (or like to betatest/ translate) you can post them at the forum:

Thank you for your time and see you next time at:

Greetings from Harlingen, The Netherlands

Pieter Kraaima

Harlingen, The Netherlands, Europe.

This email is the one I send to all new subscribers that want to join the mailinglist.
Now why do still people think that this is spam?

Friday, September 24, 2004

New website tryout 

at http://ggsearch.info you can find the latest version of the website we are building.
Although it is still kinda rough, I like it already....

Let me know what you think about it!

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Check list 

GGSearch 3.8

Help File

Installer (almost done)

Redesign Website (Oh no not that again)

Monday, September 20, 2004


a dog named Tuna Phish...

The new episode is almost ready and today we have been lucky enough to watch a pre-release..
Tuna is getting help from the French Poodle Resistance to fight back against Dr.Evil..!

The French Poodle Resistance

Tuna Phish in the snow

Dr Evil

You can watch Ep1, Ep2 and the theme song here

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Last change to get the addon cheap! 

I decided to enable the "Extra search engine" only for the people that donate and to raise the minimum of 2.50 to 5 dollar before you recieve the plugin/addon and extra's...

The Two dollar and fifty cents was great in 2002 when I started with the searchtool but now with the prices you see all over this country I think it is time for me to raize it to a tiny little bit. Don't forget: In the Netherlands we have to pay tax over the donations and Paypall also wants a share of it so at the end I still would have the $2.50 to spend on Denise :-)

So if you where thinking about donating... Act now!

As soon as 3.8 hits the release stage I will raise the price so until then you can get it for the old donation price. The people that already send in an donation will not notice a differents, the search tool will still be available with all the options for you!

Thank you for donating!

Type and read you later!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Does size matters? 

Now although I think that most of you think of something different now ;-) I wanted to say something about the size of a program...

GGSearch did not shrink in size this time... I tried to do my best to get it smaller and to shrink it from byte to byte but this time...

Version 3.7 is 337.408 bytes (big/small) and the new upcomming version is at this moment 368.640 bytes...
That means an upsize of 31.232 bytes..
Still I can keep it under the 0.5mb so it's not at all that bad...
With the harddrives that are available I gues that most of you will still have gigabytes left for your music and movies so..

does size really matters?

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Preview: New nag and about screen.... 

Time to change a bit...

I present you the new nag/splash/welcome screen:

The new About screen:

Monday, September 13, 2004

Bulding a Help file... 

:Title GGSearch Toc
:Index GGSearch: the search tool with google(TM) power=ggsearch.hlp
1 Information
2 About this software=PAGE_0@ggsearch.hlp
2 License Agreement:=PAGE_6@ggsearch.hlp
1 Donations and gifts=PAGE_2@ggsearch.hlp
1 Options
2 Option Index=PAGE_5@ggsearch.hlp
2 Google options=PAGE_4@ggsearch.hlp
2 Main Screen options=PAGE_7@ggsearch.hlp
2 MainScreen Query field=PAGE_8@ggsearch.hlp
2 Main Screen Search In option=PAGE_9@ggsearch.hlp
2 Main Screen Status bar=PAGE_10@ggsearch.hlp
2 Menu options=PAGE_11@ggsearch.hlp
2 Blog options=PAGE_1@ggsearch.hlp
2 Extra Option=PAGE_3@ggsearch.hlp

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Screenie time! 

For Free:

For donators:

Friday, September 10, 2004

a Goooooooooooogle morning! 

Here we go again, trying to fix something that was not broke...
I could have left it alone but it was shouting to me "do it, do it, DO IT" and so i did..

Yeee, that I wrecked it before I knew what I did..
Was it the coffee?
Was it because I slept 8 hours straight?

Why do I never learn...

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Google's programming challenge 

"Do you like programming challenges? Do you like competition? Do you like money? If you can answer yes to at least two of those three questions, then Code Jam, Google's annual celebration of the art of computer science, is for you."
Read more about it here

Now what if they would held a programming search tool challence?

Would you like to have gmail? 

Hi folks,
I still have a couple of Gmail accounts to give away...
If you want to have one too then leave a comment at this topic..
I will contact you trough gmail!

Blog update 

The link titles are working again, added an "email to friend" goodie and placed the latest Mobcam photo on this blog..
Also the blogshares for this blog is fixed so now only one entry should work (ggsearch.blogspot.com/ and ggsearch.blogspot.com are merged).. Sad news is that due to this fix this blog went from 1200 the share to 300 because instead of merging the newest to the oldest they merged the old one into the newest entry :(
But it is climbing again so we will see what the future brings..

My Virtual Cash Balance: B$1,087,881,110.32

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

New Zealand - Nieuw Zeeland 

The land where there are more sheeps then People is added to the wishlist..
Thanx to Bill Gray for posting it on the forum.

GGSearch Beta 3.8 

Yes Finaly,
I tied al the loose ends again and created a package that looks like the old GGSearch and now I hope it still works like the old GGSearch :-)
Now I still want to change some minor things, I am not happy about the splash/nag screen and about box.. Oh well.. We will see.

Now let's hope the beta does it work like it should..

Tuesday, September 07, 2004



Monday, September 06, 2004

FeedEater awareness 

Never thought that somebody would actually read this blog again after the hype that hit this goodie..
Knowing that keeping on blogging takes much more power then drinking coffee I am trying to keep on posting small snippits of text to please you the readers of this blog.
I know that some of you still reading this blog in your feedeaters and I wonder what link you are using is it the ATOM or the RSS and why?

A fresh week has started and I think I am almost so far to push out a beta...
I Wanted to much with 3.8 and made a big mess out of it. Now I have to clean it up, put the pieces togeheter again and then write that thingie what nobody likes to read..


Oh no not again!!!

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